Wednesday, February 22, 2012

TV White Space devices come to life

Late last year, FCC approved Spectrum Bridge's database service and KTS Wireless' device for operations in the TV White Space in Wilmington, NC. This comes after some months of uncertainty over whether there will be any unlicensed white space at all !  Although that danger seem to have been averted, the exact bands which will be made available for unlicensed use still remains unclear.

The KTS Wireless device is stated to operate at only 1.5-3.1 Mbps for a 6 MHz channel and does not seem to use any of the emerging white space standards. Primary applications right now are video surveillance, public safety and wireless Internet. While this will provide a proof-of-concepts for the database-backed spectrum use regime, the real test will be when many different devices operate through the use of many different database providers.

Meanwhile the WiFi Alliance is not too happy about TV White Space being called Super Wifi !


  1. It's so exciting to see white-space technology reaching fruition after such a long process to get the databases systems and the standards established.

    Carlson's TV white space device operates at up to 16 mbps and offers true non-line-of-sight performance.

    We're working with the IEEE to ensure that it meets a subset of the 802.22 standards. Have you heard of the "Weightless" standard which was proposed in the UK?

    1. Yes Weightless seems to be quite apt for the M2M applications but standardization might require more than a handful of companies backing it up, specially when others are going with 802.11af, 802.22 etc.

      Just curious as to what your estimate is for when consumer products will start seeing TV band radios?

    2. (So sorry to have missed your reply up until now.)

      We expect that the FCC rulings yesterday will pave the way for development and so will the IEEE's current work modifying the standards.

      Meanwhile, in answer to your question, our gen II product is expected to roll off the line this month. We experienced some unfortunate delays, but feel very confident that our product is the better for it.

      If we can be of assistance as you conduct your research, please let us know. Our engineering team has been living and breathing TVWS technology for months! Best of luck in your work.

    3. Hi,
      (reading your post from Western Europe) i am looking for 802.11af TV WS radios both masters/fixed and slaves/portable devices. Any idea who may sale such radios?

    4. Hi PierreJean,

      I have not yet seen any product announcements based on the draft 802.11af standard. My guess is version 2.0 of the draft should be complete sometime before the end of 2012 and that is when we will start to see commercial roll outs.
